Don't you tell me it wasn't meant to be. You being there at the right time to play with dogs next to the Baspa, you basking in the sun on a yacht with friends you made overnight in Vietnam. You passing the valleys, jumping off a boat in the middle oft he ocean, you staying with the locals like it's been your home forever, you meeting the best of friends like it's the first time.
Don't you tell me it wasn't meant to be.
Meant to be for all of us to take in everything, one breath at a time, marvelling at something we all thought was beyond imaginable.
Are you now thinking about your first trip? Maybe you should.
Talk about sovenirs, my biggest was to able to make it to the starting point of a lifetime of memories. ✨
Shot on GoProHero7
Song : Dreams by @nuages and Lost it to Trying by @sonlux
Cover picture by